Old Crow Feb. 6 th , [19]45
Might as well start in one of our Writ Pads – since I have no other writing
material I can use as a diary. Rather late in the year to be starting in too
but Mary urges me to use something so here goes.
At this stage of affairs, we are all now awaiting the next plane which is
expected in or around the 20 th of this month. I hope it doesn't come any sooner – we've
been fooled twice before – with the plane coming earlier than we expected with
the resultant “rush” to get things ready – work not finished! No letters ready.
I do have a few ready this time – to Frank Chappie, Creighton Boyd and HR Snyder,
so I'm hoping to get them all done during the next week or so. My work is pretty
well caught up too: last months Repts [receipts] are ready to wrap up. My Inv
+ Req [Invoices and Requisitions?] is just about completed: and I have one
big sack of fur ready for checking by the Police. The weather during the last
three days has been positively awful – with thermometer at around -20 and half
a gale of wind for the whole 24 hrs. a day: and it's almost one mans job to
keep firing up – with dam little satisfaction as a result – as nowhere is it
even remotely comfortable. I don't ever remember such filthy, miserable weather
or being so uncomfortable indoors as it is here. Our kitchen is positively
painful to be in – at almost any time. Mary has to wear caribou-skin boots
all day in the house and even then has cold feet. The Store is the same – only
worse – much. Whatinell [what in hell] I'll do for next winter will be a problem.
As for the work – well there seems to be absolutely no end to it – ever! I've
never been really caught up ever since we landed.
The ‘office' end of it is quite a job in itself – let along running the Store,
buying fur, lugging stuff in from the caches, firing up, filling lamps, packing
ice, making kindling – and so on. Ye Gads I've never been busier at any time
that I can recollect. Yet – I'm not sorry I came – tho I think the business
will get even more pressing than it is now. I ought to have a steady helper:
I can realize that now. I miss old Paul and his steady wood-saw: could always
depend on my wood supply – which I can't at present.
So far, I've had no response from Fairbanks to my long letters to Boyd. And
what are the plans for the coming season I haven't the faintest idea. I hope
we don't have to put in another winter like this again.
At this time several of the men are out hunting – Peter T. and Bully Joe left
a few days ago. Bruce and Moses are 2 days to the south with Frost, C. Peter
and Big Joe ready to go. Yesterday and today I worked like a maniac putting
up their outfits ready to get them out. W.T. + Johnny R. are also expected
to go. Martha and John Kendi left a cuppla days ago. Siwash Dan is away and
Elias is ready to follow suit. Maybe most of them will be away inside a week.
I hope so.
Annie Shaffer bought her outfit saft [this afternoon] – she's expecting her
baby at any time.
Mrs. Ellis doesn't get out much nowadays: she too expects to leave on the
next plane. M. [Mary] was down to see her saft. Kirk pops in occasionally.
Tom is away out south.
Peter Moses is still here and Neil came in this evening. Effie and her family
are out on the Flats alone somewhere.
I am to try a few snaps of Ellis on the first bright decent day. I went down
last Sat. afternoon [?] but it was so blasted cold that we put it off. I'm
terribly disappointed to not do any photos at all! But I certainly couldn't
use my room back of the Store: much too cold and crowded out as a fur storage,
and too, there is no possible chance to take pictures in such poor light. The
sun tho' is now really showing up – for about 6 hrs. a day – or it was about
3 days ago when we saw it last. There ought to be plenty of shots around a
little later on. I haven't really tested my “Black” camera yet tho I have plenty
of film.
I'm very anxious to know something of the Co. 's plans for next summer. I
hope the spring ratting turns out well.
Ch. Peter brought me a very nice small piece of meat today – outside of P.
Moses, the first we've had as a gift.
Wed. 7 th .
Another horrible day –cold and windy all day. But several of the boys left – meat
camp and trap-lines. C. Peter, M. T., Frost (I think)[,] John Joe: Meat shortage
bothering them all now. Joe and Ruth visited the Store saft – to get a saw-set.
Kinda slack. Neil wants a small outfit – [the] rest casuals. I changed ribbon
on the adding machine today and totaled the Inventory. Nearly finished, too.
Mebbe [maybe] I'd better wire re the Fur [?] – I dunno yet. I'm sending three
Pens [pension?] Cheques to Dawson Sept Nov + Dec. Less wind tonite I think – around
-15 all day.
Sat. 10 th
Missed a cuppla days but it seems as though I haven't got into the habit of
writing again in a diary. M. is again busy in the kitchen as usual – making
a birthday cake for Mrs. Ellis of all things – at this hour.
Wash Day ystrdy [yesterday] – and what a time we had! The whole day went wrong.
I had to do my own splitting this morning for Store-wood. – No body here even
to bring it home. The weather did let up Friday [?] morning again – but blew
half a gale again in the afternoon.
Today better. Sarah Abel in with a martin and cuppla mink saft. Very quiet
today in Store – not even one of the Frosts in. Now have my clerical work ready
to go – Req and last months repts all ready to wrap up.
Put new typewriter ribbon in yesterday. Had to do another session of digging
out this morning – this certainly is one helluva hole for wind – and snow drifted
in to the back porch and front. Never had such a Goddam mess anywhere else
I ever lived that I can remember – and life – generally – is pretty miserable.
What with the wood, and ice, and water, and ashes, and lamps, and toilet bucket
and one dam thing and another in addition to my job worries – I'm pretty sick
of it. I can't settle at home during the evening to write or read – or do anything:
it's either too hot, or the radio is on or I'm too tired and sleepy – always
Sun. Feb 11 th
An easy day. Down to Ellis' with the birthday first thing. Brot [brought]
a load of wood down from the Store and fooled around up till lunch. Then wrote
home + to Aggie [?] this morning. Wild afternoon[,] this evening more wind
and snow.
Monday Feb 12 th
What a day – it was 30 below saft and a terrible wind with it: I cud [could]
scarcely stand to be out at all. And besides it was v. cold in the house – and
the Store – impossible to warm it up at all. Johnny Porcupine died this morning.
I packed up my last months repts and got in a bunch of stuff from the cache.
Got Jeremy + Jorum to haul me home enuf wood to last me a day or two. […]
Got some ice-cream salt from Mrs. Kirk. Ellis called at Store saft – for no
special reason apparently. Wind gone down a bit tonite.
Friday 16 th
I'm all tangled up this week with days and dates. Figured I'd make this thing
a Diary ! We've had another real session of cold – two days just nosing the
60 below – this a.m. just around 30 and some light soft snow during the nite
again – now all we need is wind ! We've had a full week – but why bring that
up? Ellis's came and had supper on Wed – with the usual scramble to be ready,
altho we made it without very much unpleasantness and a pleasant evening – nothing
but chat – I enjoyed it though. We shall miss them – very much I'm afraid.
I'm getting short on sawed wood – and nobody in to do anything. Had to split
it myself for a cuppla days.
Wired Boyd re Fur [film?] etc – yesterday
Got Jim + Ellis to help with the boat Insurance Form
Tom returned ystrdy – not much meat over there.
No fur coming in now. Have two sx [sacks?] ready to go on the plane when it
Made some additions to the Req and am keeping as [?] a list for the Supp.
Get ideas from some of the women now + again. Wrote Dad and Agg – also to Mark,
so I'm getting some personal letters done. No photography yet. Too cold to
do a thing outdoors but absolute essentials.
Ellis suggests that we make one room out of our house – cut out kitchen – but
that doesn't suit tho it surely wud [would] save wood. Perhaps it wouldn't
be very convenient or comfortable, so I guess we'll muddle along as we're doing.
But I dread the soft days of spring – the leaky roof probably – and the filthy
river water, and no ice – and the inevitable mosquitoes – and no screens and
the immovable windows – What a time we'll have. I can see it coming bigosh!
At 8 p.m. it is now around -20 – a glorious change – soft snow is going to
be had if more wind. I had to split more wood again – to keep us going.
Alec, Eliza Ben left yesterday. Camp is very quiet. Peter Moses got an outfit
today to do down below somewhere. Annie's baby born this morning.
Sunday Afternoon 19 th – No – 18 th
A very pleasant day – VERY! I was just settling to read Thoreau lasnite [last
night] when Tom came in with the news that the plane was to arrive today! What
a life! But it hasn't come yet! But of course it meant that I had to get up
early + get things all ready. I was up here at work before 9 – and had the
fur all ready when Tom came in. Then of course Bully Joe came in atsamtim [at
the same time] so it was all rush for an hour or so. I got Joe's fur + have
packed it up with the rest of it: it's now all packed + ready – also the Req
and last months reports – letters to HRS, Chappie, Frank, Boyd and Creighton:
one home and one to Agg. So I managed fairly well – not many perhaps – but
some of ‘em really letters – no foolin'!
Terribly cold + windy again all day – and I'm almost out of sawed wood too.
Mary very nervous and on edge all day too – and still of course hasn't nearly
done her writing. I don't suppose she ever will. I think Neil must have gone
this morning – to the Flats. J. Ross and Abraham are still here – the only
men I think. Mary P. Ben is in I see. Siwash Dan went cuppla days ago. Bull
Joe in – I got his fur and shipped it today.
Mon. 19 th
And still no plane and filthy weather all day – wind + drifting snow – and
I had to saw wood this a.m. too! Dammitall. Certainly no flying weather. However
I'm as ready for it now as I can be – more so than I've been yet. Kirk changed
our radio batts [batteries] tonight and its been first class this morning.
Quite a change
Wed 21 st
Well – the rush is over again for a while. Plane landed and left again ystrdy
with Ruth for F. Y. [ Ft. Yukon] Big bunch of mail for everybody also stuff
for us from FBks [Fairbanks] also mags and a real good collection. Looks as
tho' I shall be dam busy at office work for a while now. Long letters from
Boyds and info. req freighting this summer too.
Thursday 22
Got Johnny Ross sawing wood today – so have quite a little pile ahead. Had
a useful session in the office all morning, and a busy afternoon with the Frost
outfit again who hope to leave tomorrow – I hope so! P.M. Tizya came in lasnite
with Frost. Kirk and Jim up safternoon[,] K. to discuss the Customs. Old Dan
in for a little stuff too. It was a most beautiful day – bright and clear – and
NO WIND !! M. washed this morning and is now busy preparing the bread.
Fri. 23
Fairly mild again. Not really clear tho. Finished up Ellis acct and did a
number of odds and ends at office work as well as brot in 200 flour, 100 sugar
and so on. Saft was hectic again in spite of only a few here. Johnny Ross,
Abel, N. Cadzow and a little fur to be bot [bought?] – brot to a close a very
busy day again.
There's never a dull moment here. I never saw the last of it – then Kirk up
with a message from Maston to be attended to. So I had to take that down to
the Barracks this evening. M. ironed and baked all day – and so is now feeling
all washed out again and feels pretty miserable too. It would appear that it's
very necessary to have this stuff shipped in by plane – from all I hear.
Wrote the Bish [Bishop] lasnite about the Ellis house – but that's all the
mail we have done so far. And I supposed that dam plane is liable to be in
at any fine day – so – more concern.
Sat Feb. 24 th
Another weekend. Thermometer up around 10 above and v. mild all day. Not so
rushed in the Store this aft. Big Joe, Tabitha, Siwash Dan in, and small outfits
so I was pleasantly busy. Left Store about 5:15 and hauled home a cuppla loads
of wood. P.M. Tizya left again this aft. with a small outfit. Philip returned
Always in a state of flux here – coming + going – tho' most of the men appear
to be out most of the time. Have about got Ellis ac [account?] squared up.
T'would have been a good day for a snap or two if there had been more sun.
Friday Mch 2
A busy week. Had the Johnson Creek bunch – John Charlie, Lazarus , Ch. Thomas
and Amos in – all with a good bunch of fur which I have been busy getting together:
it is now all ready for the plane which may be in tomorrow. My Req (Supp) is
also ready to go. Both M. and I spent several evenings getting this finished.
Amos has been helping me for this two days – with the wood and in the Store – a
grand help too. And most important M. hopes to go to F. [ Ft. Yukon or Fairbanks?]
to have her teeth attended to.
Had two beautiful days and altho I was very busy I was at last tempted to
make a shot or two – but I oughtn't to have done it without the filter – it
was really brilliant and a fairly good sky. Got one of the Store, our house,
the Barrax and the Mission .
Tom left – on Monday I think it was – for the Blackstone with my friend Charlie
Abel so, thank Goodness he'll be away for a spell.
Evening of course! And another strenuous week over. Amos came in and certainly
is a great help in the Store and around the place – no foolin'. Today, I finished
off my mail – closed it up, and this morning typed my first letter to the H/O
with a little talk on general conditions here – ‘debt' and so on.
Safternoon we had sorta expected the plane – there was a remote poss.[possibility]
that he might turn up, but weather forecast lasnite from FBks [Fairbanks] wasn't
promising, and it was dull all day with a little snow.
However, because he didn't come didn't mean that there was nothing to do.
There's plenty! There always is – it seems. Never saw the lack [?] of it [at?]
this Siwash little bitty store. Whaddo [What do] I do with my self all the
time – I bet that's what they all think.
And I haven't even looked at my February Reports yet – not sent a thing to ‘em
yet – nuthin'. But I've got another 2500 worth of fur ready to go – and that
blasted Supp Req finished – thank Goodness! Now – if I can concentrate a few
days on my Feb. returns I ought to clean up some. But now some of ‘em are beginning
to prepare for the Flats – already. Philip gave me a list about a foot long
tonite – for Monday.
So now it's a matter of some concern to know if I'll have enuf to go round
before anything arrives by the plane.
There still doesn't look many chances for much photography – or finishing
at any rate. However will hope for the best. Cleaned the Store stovepipe thoroughly
ystrdy – Amos and I must do this one tomorrow. I think it burnt a little tonite
at the top joint.
Tues 6 th March
One of the meanest days this year I think – almost a gale at 20 below – our
kitchen is terrible and I can hardly stand it to be outside our back door even
to split wood.
Yesterday just about as bad too. Both Amos and I had a very busy day yesterday.
We put up Philip's outfit. John Moses' and this morning Martha Kendi's. John
brought in over 50 rats and a fox. Quite a bunch of ‘em are in now. Abraham,
C. Peter and others. There seems to be absolutely no let-up – always going
out. I had a little spell on the monthly repts ystrdy and all day Sunday as
it wasn't fit to go out anywhere. Now of course the worry is – will I have
enough to outfit everybody?
We're running short of so many things which, it seems, we really ought to
have – so many: yet I'm sure we can't get them all from Ft. Y. And what an
enormous amount of work there is to do – always! I never seem to be really ‘level'
with the game somehow.
Sent a wire ystrdy to Chappie asking for rat prices – and a note to Ferguson
asking him to send grease etc. on first load. Tho I'm not sure if Kirk got
through lasnite. M. has been busy trying to fix up the place, cook, bake +
wash too. The kitchen is most uncomfortable in this wind – but I surely am
glad to have Amos here just now. He has got both dry + green wood cut ahead
and it certainly is not fit to be out this morning to do anything hardly. We
surely will get no plane in this weather!
Wed. Mar. 7 th
And STILL the wind is blowing half a gale – and as cold as ever – 24 below
this morning. Positively miserable to be out-of-doors doing any kind of chores.
I feel sort out of temper rather tonite. I fancy I'm getting v. [very] much
of a crank since I came here: there isn't much relaxation at any time. Goddam
the luck anyway.
Amos and I put up Ch. Peter's outfit this morning and a small bunch for J.
Ross. Was busy doing my wood chores at home when Ellis came in so I had to
split my wood after supper in the biting wind. Wrote a note to Ferguson asking
about more stuff that I may need. Wire from Richmund saft wanting the boat
specifications soons [soon as] possible so that means another half days delay.
And my Feb. Repts not done yet !
Thurs. 8 th
Positively a vile day again – really the worst of the winter I really think – temp
around -25 and a gale blowing the whole dam day. Made a run to see Ellis +
Jim re Richmund's wire and wrote him at once. Rather quieter today all round:
nobody stirring much anywhere. I spent the aft doing the odd chore – billing
and posting to the Ledger + think I'm just about caught up – now a few odds'n'ends
to finish.
So far there isn't much prospect of a plan tomorrow either – M. has been washing
today and several visitors – Rachel and Martha with her caribou boots. Got
a bunch of Ellis surplus stock ystrdy – about 250 worth.
Wrote a note to Ferguson today asking about a few other essentials beside
the flour – rice, bacon etc. Kirk tested the batteries – OK –
Saturday 10 th
And still no plane.
It has again been a filthy day – cold and still windy and now blowing half
a gale at 8 p.m. We had a mild celebration at home lasnite figuring that the
plane might be here today perhaps. But altho' the preparation has been going
on for a week or more – the bags are still being packed! However, there is
a goodly supply of eats prepared – cookies, do-nuts, meatballs, pies, and so
on, all ready for my delectation when I'm alone. And of course the washing
is done too. Our mail is still accumulating – letters to Boyd and to Chappie
much in evidence amongst them. Have written none home. One to the Bishop re
Ellis' house.
Today I finished up – and wrapped up – my Feb. Reports at long last. I cleaned
up the Store this morning. This aft was really one of the easiest we've had.
Big Joe and P. Tizya were in – and have killed a big bunch of caribou – tickled
of course. They're out again on Monday – in fact I think Joe has gone already.
Practically all the men are away now – everybody that can drive a dog team.
Amos still a big help – wood and ice specially – and in Store too. No news
from Kirk today: in fact I haven't even seen him. We've had a horrible week
of weather indeed. I never have seen the like of the wind here – and around
the 20 below mark too.
Some days almost impossible to face it. The Store is miserably cold and draughty
too – mornings especially – not fit to work in really. And my 16 cds [cords]
of green wood is almost all gone.
John C. and sick boy are still here – latter expects to go to F. Y,. by the
first plane. I think I'll take him half a dozen eggs down.
This is Monday again – the 12 th . And still the wind blows and no plane – or
any news of it either. Wottalife! [What a life]
Mary busy now preparing another batch of bread – after working on a cuppla
apple piece and a cuppla cinnamon flops.
Jack Frost and Moses in today. Neil “off again” tomorrow. Maggie and Alec
have their lists in too. So I suppose I will gradually get ‘em away – won-by-won.
[One by one.]
Made out P. Tizya's list saft and wrote to Chappie.
Wired Boyd tonite re Mary's trip.
Have been already feeling much benefit from Amos's being here – it's a tremendous
relief to me. I spent quite a lazy day ystrdy – the laziest since I've been
here I'm quite sure. I tried a walk around noon but could get no further than
the edge of the slough on account of the dam wind. T'was nice and bright all
day tho, and today again but so cold. Elli up for a ‘home' supper lasnite but
left around 9:30 . I dropped Frank a note today and started one to Agg + Ted
lasnite but didn't finish as I got too drowsy + dropped off to sleep on the
Thurs. 15 th
¼ to 9 p.m. and of course no plane yet. The weather is still dull and
cloudy and down 15-10 with a wind. Sun now rises before 8 tho' we don't see
it much it's true. I have letters written to Frank Chappie, Boyd (of course):
to H/O Agg + Ted, to Photoshop. Am sending the latter my first completed film
I took No. 10 in the Store ystrdy – with Amos' help – the remaining two I
took at home – nearly having a row over it too – as usual. Exposures No. 10
at f16 in Store, No. 11 at f11 Home, No. 12 f11 Home. Used No. 11A – and No.
12 was a foil lamp. Had a v. quiet day in the Store. Settled up with Fred Johnson
saft who took his rubbers. Moses L. came in ystrdy with a load of meat. No
grease for first time today – Don F. was the first man to be refused. P. Moses,
Joan + Rachel left for meat camp today – also Maggie – tho' I believe she's
back as I saw her kids saft. Amos cleaned out the back places ystrdy. Looks
much better. A few rats keep coming in but there's no word from Chappie – yet – about
prices. Jack F. in with a cuppla martin tother [the other] day – and Don with
2 mink and a bum X [?] this mrng. [morning]
I took old Ledger Leaves out today. And I separated and filed some of my correspondence
ystrdy. This business of being “out of things” if continued very long, will
make it awkward to outfit any body. Saw my first flock of snowbirds today.
Ptarmigan are very numerous around the camp now. Saw three run in front of
Siwash Dan's cabin this aft and 2 ravens over the river. Checked up on the
22 ammo problem ystrdy + think I'll have enuf.
March 16 Friday
Colder than ever – and windier! Gosh – what weather! I cleaned up the lower
part of my desk cupboard today – and started another letter to Chappie asking
for more things – toboggans, phonographs, etc. Very quiet in the Store: there
just isn't anyone here scarcely. All out – the men anyway. At last – long last – we've
decided to invite Kirks and Joe to supper on Sunday – momentous decision. Gosh – mite's'well
[might as well] get the dam business over with. Packed up my exposed Pack this
evening. Ptarmigan are around here by the hundred – literally.
Monday 19 th
Once more alone in the house – seems dam quiet + lonesome too. My poor little
sweetheart got away around 2:30 this afternoon and I heard around 6 that she
had landed safely at Ft. Yukon .
Had the Kirks – and Tom – and Ellis lasnite to supper – and got that over
with at any rate Thank Goodness. Plane in ystrdy + again of course today. Plane
in with Bully Joe ystrdy aft when I was out for a walk up river. Have a v.
busy aft today – Petersen in for quite a big outfit: Joe Martin in too with
quite a bunch of fur. Wire from Chappie on Sat re rat prices and Little Bros.
Several of the gang are in now. I see Peter Moses in tonite. Mary Netro sent
me in some liver by him. Plane brot just flour and rice today.
Snap of Mary 1/50 at f11 No. 2 on pack. Not much more to comment on. I'll
try a Y Filter from FBks. Bully Joe want to know about buying him out next
spring. He wants to go over to McPherson.
Tues. 20 th
Another v. busy day – Joe Martin in with fur and a Store full all afternoon – J.
Moses, J. Charley, etc etc. Kept fire going all morning but let it out this
aft + and the dam place is now at 10:15 like an ice house literally. Had supper
(steak) with Joe tonite. Home around 9 since then choring around but must wait
for Tundra Topics. Not so cold – about – 14 but windy again and the house has
been cold all day. Joe brot 3 huge loaves [?] today. Not much else to write.
I've certainly been busy – the dam firing up takes so long. Have made up the
sourdough tonite. Am now wondering if Mary got to FBks today. Later – T.T.
came in A.1. and Mary landed O.K.
Thurs 22
This was the easiest day – at Store – I ever spent I think. Hardly anyone
in – in fact. There isn't anybody in camp now to come in. Down to Kirks with
Joe to celebrate his birthday lasnite and had a marvellous feed: the memories
of that cake will last long I'm sure, and the ham too. I came home around 9 – place
gets so cold.
Had supper at home tonite quite early as I was in before 5. Washed up and
then washed by [my?] overalls, towels, dish-towels + hankies, which dried fine
during the night. I don't feel v. ambitious in the evening – get so darned
sleepy. We sorta expected plane today but no luck.
This morning I got another sack of fur ready for checking.
I hear Moses T. killed a moose – so Martha has gone out.
Sent my Annuity Check to Dawson + wrote the Dept. re chg [change] of address.
Radio from FBks is still poor and no comm[unication] from Ft. Y. either.
Now using the last batch of green wood – used 16 cds in 6 months at Store
and house – besides dry.
Most of the gang are still out at the meat camp. The Kendis, Effie + Neil
and Ch. Peter + Abrah. T. are in the Flats – also Philip Joseph.
Friday 23 rd
T'is now 7 p.m. – a really glorious evening tho' still on the chilly side.
I have just returned from a walk back across the little lake behind. Never
saw so many ptarmigan in my life around there must have been hundreds of them.
But it's disappointing so far as a view is concerned. Can't see anything from
the trail.
Got Sack #9 ready this afternoon and the necessary mail finished too. I got
back home around 5 as the place was deserted. Had liver and chicken gravy for
supper with a patty and peas and topped off with jello, hard sauce + oatmeal
cookies. Some feed too!
Jack Frost blew in saft for half an hour and we were entertained in the usual
dog-driving manner – same old stuff. M. P. Ben in with 62 rats again.
I must go + wash up the days debris . Having quite some reading sessions now – at
meal-times – and in bed.
Sun now – 7:20 – gone down behind the hill. Lots dalite now. [Lots of daylight
Sunday Mch 25 th a.m. 10:30
Glorious morning – 18 below and lots of sunlite. I've got the place all cleaned
up and warm. Radio from London – all Sports new tho' – coming in Fair.
Up around 7:30 or so – Busy day ystrdy. I have a sack of martin and mink all
ready to go but it was dull and nothing happened. There is quite a bunch of
the [men] in now – J. Ross with a toe off, Kendis, Ab. Tizya, Lazarus, Big
Joe, to send Titus to F. Y. Now what to do they mean to do? I bought the accumulated
rats ystrdy tho they were a bunch of small skins generally. Have been doing
quite a bit of reading – Digests lately at meals – and in bed. Quite enjoyed
it. Had my bath lasnite again which I also enjoyed.
It's still too cold for any monkeyin' around outside with the camera. Tho
it's beautifully bright and just makes me long to get out. There is little
that can be done out of doors just now though: it's too cold. There are several
trails though that I'd like to explore a bit, but there is little pleasure
in being out on account of the cold – yet. It is the same old repetition – on
Sunday as well as week days – of jobs – up and chores – then up to the Store
+ start again with fire and chores. But however, when we hear of the sort of
life our folks are living Outside, it seems tranquil here by comparison – even
if it is somewhat devoid of variety and I suppose we shouldn't kick at the
sameness of it.
Tues. morn – in the Store 9 a.m.
Glorious morning about -15 + clear. I think it was John Charlie who just pulled
out. Glad he's gone at last altho he's no nuisance at that.
I got Ab. T. and Kendi's rats ystrdy – also Lynx from Elias. Verville [?]
was up, he's planning on leaving for his place again. The plane landed on Sunday
(of course!) around 3 as I was returning form a short stroll to the Lake .
Good thing I went up no further. Heard that Mary may be coming back next trip – which
will be making for a quite a quick trip if she does. Had mail from her – and
some prints – not specially good – from the Kodak rolls. Boyds were at home
apparently. No other mail of any account. I spruced up around the house lasnite – washed
behind kitchen stove, etc. The place isn't too bad-looking – but then it ought
not in a single week. Having lots of grub prepared has made it pretty simple
for me to get my meals, and usually I'm not so rushed in the morning but what
I can get home to keep a fire going – tho I usually let it go out in the p.m.
Ellis got away at last on Sunday's plane – the one Verville came up on. I
don't know yet – what the popular plan is – to get away or not. But at present
I don't have half enuf flour to outfit them.
The weather is still cold as a rule, tho' it is clear and fine and not much wind.
Still seem to burn lots of wood too. |