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Lettre du contrôleur H.H. Rowatt au Commissaire de l'or, 31 janv. 1918. Archives du Yukon :Gov. 1645 24171 Partie 2
Lettre du contrôleur H.H. Rowatt au Commissaire de l'or, 31 janv. 1918. Archives du Yukon :Gov. 1645 24171 Partie 2
Yukon Archives: Gov. 1645 24171 Part 2
Claude le registraire minier


I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th ultimo, File 24171, with enclosures, from which it would appear that Constable Claude B. Tidd, of the R.N.W.M.P. , has been appointed Agent to the Mining Recorder at Rampart House, succeeding Sergeant W. J. D. Dempster, who has been transferred to Dawson .

It is noted that the name of Mr. Tidd has been added to the list of officials under bond.

Your obedient servant,

[H.H. Rowatt]


The Gold Commissioner,


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