Mayo, Y.T.
April 21, 1933
M y Darling Mamma,
Your sweet letter written on March 26, reached us last evening, and though
I have just mailed you one, I feel that I must answer this one, too, for we
understand the plane will be leaving, shortly, and that means quick time. It
is so good to hear about how much you are looking forward to our home-coming,
but you certainly can't be more anxious for it than I am. Please don't go to
a lot of trouble for us, dear, for you know we should a hundred times rather
you would just save your strength, so that you will be feeling rested when
we come. It will be so exciting that I think you will need a little extra strength,
especially when Ron starts telling you of all her thrills. She is younger and
fresher than I am, and I can well understand that the return of your “baby”,
will be nothing short of an event of a lifetime. When Claude read your letter
last evening, I thought he sounded rather wistful when he made the remark that
it seemed so good to think of our family all being together again for a little
while. No I'm not going to write a “blue” letter this time so don't worry.
Judging by your reply to one of my letters, I think I must have sent a rather
low-spirited one. I really shouldn't do that, for it often happens that such
a letter causes a lot of concern long after I have forgotten the mood. You
should know by this time, tho, that I am somewhat mercurial in temperament,
and that I do not stay the same for very long at a time. I think this special
one must have been written Just before I started on a siege of entertaining,
which worried me a little. Well, its [sic] all over now and I feel much better,
though I'll feel better yet when the house is all cleaned. By that time tho,
I guess it'll be about time for me to go, and that will be hardest of all.
It's always something isn't it? You always write a lovely, cheerful letter,
tho, -no matter what happens, and I should try to be like you. We both just
love your letters and I don t see how you ever find time to do it so satisfactorily,
to each one of us.
I want to make a special point, in this letter, Mamma, to clear your mind
in regard to the probable length of time I will be at home, before sailing
to England . Of course, as you said, it is really difficult to be very definite
about it at this time, but I thought perhaps what Claude's Dad said about my
going in August, might be a little misleading. They do not know just how things
are, and I guess they didn't realize just how short that would make my visit
at home. Claude says he is sure they only meant it as a suggestion, and that,
because they thought I might have a pleasanter first impression of England
if I came before so late in the season. They are the last people in the world
to be arbitrary, and by now, since I have written and explained the matter,
I'm sure they will no longer set their minds on that special time. As a matter
of fact, I do not think it possible to really set any special time before I
get home. Claude has always said is entirely a matter of how we all feel about
it, and I think we had better leave it at that. I know I shall love the feeling
of being able to stay as long as I like, or as long as you want me,- for I
have never had that feeling, and after such a long absence, it will seem too
wonderful for words. I think I shall let it up to you, Mamma, or if you will
not commit yourself, then I shall have to watch for signs of your getting tired
of me!
You have asked me several times, how Claude will arrange about his meals when
I have gone. I do not know whether I have answered you or not, but in case
I didn't, I might say that he has written to Dawson about it, and they told
him that for the time being, in the event of my going out, he would remain
in his present quarters. Thomas lives at the barracks and takes his meals at
the restaurant. Claude expects to do his own cooking, so long as he is allowed
to remain on double rations. Of course we don't know when he will receive other
instructions, but that is the plan, so far as we know now. We hope he will
be able to continue as now, and it would pay the police to do so, as it would
cost them more to put him on single rations and have him take his meals out,
than it does now.
There are a great many things I feel like talking about, to you, but it is
rather foolish, now, when I will be seeing you so soon, and there is so much
to be done, just now. I must say, tho, that I had a very cordial invitation
for Hon and me to visit Jessie, and I surely would love to do it, even if its
[sic] only for a very short time. Of course I know you are anxious to have
Hon back as quickly as possible, and the suggestion of any delay is hard, but
it would only be a matter of a few days, and I think it would be very nice.
Of course I'm not at all sure that it can be managed, for Shelby certainly
is out of the way and if it would cause much additional expense, I don't believe
I could afford it. Jessie said that Ben offered to meet us anywhere, at any
time even if it was a hundred miles! I thought that was just lovely of him,
and really appreciate the generosity of the offer. I know they are very busy,
and the invitation is a really wonderful one. Mary Kreider had some information
sent to me, concerning transportation to Shelby , from the boat, and they said
there is no boat service before Ju1y, and none from either St. Ignace or Mackinac
Island to Ludington. I don't know whether that means none before July, for
the later, or not at all. If it means that it is not included in the trip,
then I don't see how we can possibly stop off there, and I'm afraid that is
just what it does mean. We shall be able to find out for sure, when we reach
Prince Rupert , or perhaps before, as we have already written for information
there. So far as I can see, the nearest place to Shelby which we could reach,
on that lakes trip, would be St. Ignace, and that must be at least a hundred
miles from Shelby . We couldn't possibly get there by boat. If we went by train,
I don't know whether we could have the advantage of this "detour" on
our tourist ticket or not. I don't think we shall count on doing it, too strongly,
tho of course we shall do our best to make it possible, and let Jessie know
at the earliest date we can, one way or another. Thank Mary K. very much for
her trouble, and tell her the information was most helpful. I just can't write
to her now. We received a note from Hon, yesterday, and she is planning to
come up from Ft. Yukon on the first boat, which will be leaving there near
the middle of June. Of course she will wire as soon as she knows for sure and
then I can plan to meet her boat, on the Yukon . I imagine it will be very
near July lst. By the time we would be ready to take the lakes trip, in any
event, so I guess we need not worry about that.
This may not be very interesting, dear, and I know it will be hard to follow,
for I am not so very clear on things myself, just yet, but do not worry about
anything, for we both know that our main objective is to arrive at dear old
840, sometime in the near future,- and WHAT a happy moment that will be! Tell
Bud I hope he had a nice trip to Pittsburgh , and that I loved his letter,
and will answer as soon as I can. With dearest love to you all and hoping you
are feeling just fine and that you won't work too hard at the spring cleaning,
I am, with dearest love,
P.S. My Claude is sitting here beside me, reading. He is smoking,
too of course. He sends much love to Mother Ryder. Don't forget to write to
him, so that he will have a letter not so long after I leave. Of course there
is plenty of time for that. We certainly have been enjoying Bud's magazines,
this winter. I nearly have the junior Etude department in shreds, by the end
of the month, and read more of the Cosmopolitan, than I have time for, just
now. It goes the rounds, all over Mayo, and then goes out on the creeks to
the old prospectors who are scattered about. Once more, love to you both, from
us both.