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La correspondance de Mary laisse entrevoir une anxiété et une mélancolie croissantes qu'elle attribue à son
La correspondance de Mary laisse entrevoir une anxiété et une mélancolie croissantes qu'elle attribue à son "tempérament changeant",son humeur déprimée et sa lassitude. Mary à sa mère,17 avril 1933. Il s'agit du dernier mois complet que Mary passa à Mayo avant d'aller visiter les parents de Claude en Angleterre.
Yukon Archives: 91/112 f. 5, MSS
Mayo mailbox

Mayo, Y.T.

April 17, 1933

Dearest Mamma,

Your letter dated March 11, reached us about ten days ago and it was great to get it, for it seemed so long since your last one and I was a little worried about you on account of your accident this winter. It was grand to hear you say that you were once more back to normal and I only hope you are continuing so.

I have been wanting to write to you before this, but we have been so busy that I couldn't manage it before. I have been making an effort to get caught up with my entertaining, as I would like to have next month fairly free for house-cleaning and packing. It doesn't seem possible that it will be my last full month up here, but I guess it's true.

You just can't know what it meant to me to hear from Hon, saying that she does not expect to leave Ft. Yukon before navigation opens, and that we will be able to make the trip together, after all. It was too much to even hope for, and so the realization has all the thrill of a great surprise. I guess she is counting her teaching days in terms of weeks, now, and I am glad, for her sake, as I don't believe she enjoys teaching any more than she ever did.

Claude just now interrupted me to have me fill out my application for a passport to England . When it came to giving a distinguishing characteristic, he said I ought to put a big nose, but I wouldn't do it!

Last week I had two company dinners, so today I spent most of the time washing table linen, even tho it is Easter Monday, and a general holiday. It was so cold that the clothes stiffened before I had them on the line, and my fingers did, too. I felt sorry it was chilly, for the there was a tennis tournament here this afternoon, and as the court is an outdoor one, it wasn't too comfortable for the spectators. Claude tried to get a picture and came home chilled to the bone. Spring is really coming, tho, for the pussy willows are out and Claude saw a blue bird, yesterday.

Our Easter was very quiet. We did not have company or go out, and I am glad, for the meals I like best, these days, are those alone with my sweetheart, for there won't be so very many more of them, for a while.

Spud is getting dearer every day and I'm so glad he will be here to keep Claude company. There isn't a better pal than a dog, to my way of thinking.

Before I forget it, Mamma, I have a favor to ask of you. I hate to do it, for I have a sneaking feeling that after your experience with Hon's brown coat, last year, you will not especially fancy the job, but I would certainly appreciate it if you would send Claude's gray tweed coat to Mayo, sometime around the beginning of May. He could use it very well, here, and if you send it at that time, there shouldn't be any trouble, as navigation will be open by the time it reaches the Yukon . I will pay you the postage when I see you, and that isn't as vague a promise as it sounds. (I hope)

You were the only person to tell me of Mollie Kurtze's death, and I was very much surprised. It is very sad, and her last days must have been hard. There will be many changes, when I get home. I do not think I saw either of the Kurtzes when I was home last time.

Well darling, there isn't much news, and I fear Ovid M. will be out of luck, so far as this letter is concerned, unless you tell him that we have five tomato plants started, and that they grew an inch in a week.

Everyone predicts a late break-up this year, but I guess the old stream will be moving out at about the usual time. Claude brought me the first pussy willow on the very same date as he did a year ago. The birds are appearing in their usual order, and so far, we have discovered none new to this community, tho it is too early to really know much about it.

There are only a few coast boats running, and our mails are very irregular. Last t ime there was not one letter as no boat was met since the last stage.

Did I tell you that Mr. Wasson brought us three real tomatoes when he returned from Whitehorse by plane, and they gave me the biggest thrill I've had in ages. Inspector Dempster was here to dinner that evening and you should have seen his eyes widen when I put them on the table in the shape of a rather pathetic little salad, without the sign of a lettuce leaf to make them look more.

Claude is taking Ovaltine, now , and it seems to improve his appetite. We think he is gaining, tho he doesn't want to get weighed for a while, because he thinks he might be disappointed. I weigh an even hundred, now, but that was after a rather busy week, so I may pick up another pound or two before I see you. It doesn't take much to make me lose, though my weight has not varied very much, in these past four years.

Tell Bud I will answer his letter soon, and that he isn't to wait for it before he writes again as his letters are certainly a treat. I hope, you won't forget to write to my Claude around the later part of May (the 2lst. is his birthday) for then he will have letters shortly after I leave. We are still hoping that he will be able to take me down as far as Stewart, in our little boat, and I think it would be just wonderful if he could have a glimpse of Hon, when the boat arrives.

No more now, dear, except oodles of love to you and Bud, and Anna and everybody, from Claude and Mary

P.S. Your letter was darling as usual, and I appreciated it so much.

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