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"Dan le cupidon envoie ses flèches en direction de Fort Yukon."
Yukon Archives: Dawson News, August 15, 1925
Le mountie et l'infirmière mailbox


Corporal C.B. Tidd, of the R.C.M.P., Married to Popular Nurse


Young Couple to Make Their Home in City of Dawson

Just exactly a year ago yesterday Miss Mary Ryder arrived in Dawson , on her way to Fort Yukon , where she was joining the hospital staff at that place. The young traveler stayed for thee days in Dawson , but during that short time the heart strings of a certain handsome Yukon bachelor were set in motion, with the result that, after exactly a year's time, Corporal Tidd, the popular and talented member of the R.C.M. Police, landed in Dawson with a charming bride. For a number of years the happy groom had been considered one of the most eligible members for matrimonial promotion, while more than once his friends had whispered in his ear that some day Dan Cupid would spring an ace of hearts upon him. When the Yukon arrived, therefore, the bride and groom were greeted by a merry band of the husband's friends to pay the first congratulations and to welcome the newlyweds. Showers of rice were flung upon the happy couple as they hurried off their ship yesterday morning at the break of day, while the noisy clatter of the little Ford as it rambled up Fifth avenue [sic], followed by its retinue of old cans, and shoes dangling in confusion behind, aroused the citizens to the fact that the newlyweds had arrived and were on their way to their new headquarters.

Fort Yukon indeed had a banner day when Corporal C.B. Tidd and Miss Ryder were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Wedding bells pealed merrily soon after the good ship reached port, at the little mission church at Fort Yukon . All the tourists who journeyed down the river on the last trip of the Yukon were guests at the ceremonies.

Dr. Burke, who is in charge of the hospital and mission at Fort Yukon , acted as best man, while little Grafton Burke acted as page. All the citizens and the steamer crew also were in attendance, which, with the visiting tourists, quite filled the church. Bishop Rowe conducted the wedding ceremony, assisted by Rev. Moody. After the wedding guests were invited to the boat, where a delicious wedding feast had been prepared. Following the feast, speeches and toasts were in order, while the tourists made up an autograph book into which they put their names and a little saying from life. The various names represent people from many parts of the world and is greatly cherished by the bride and groom. From the steamer Yukon the guests and the newlyweds were invited to the quarters of Bishop Rowe, where a fine reception was held.

Corporal Tidd and his wife will make their home in Dawson , where they will occupy the good-looking log house formerly occupied by Sergeant Jack Ellis, formerly of the force, and his family.

The bride and groom attended the dance given in A.B. hall [sic] last evening, where Mrs. Tidd was introduced to many Dawsonites. She likes Dawson and the country very much and just knows that she is going to have a wonderful time up here.

To the newly married couple go out the sincerest wishes of the community for a prosperous and happy voyage o'er the sea of life, while to the groom the congratulations of all his Dawson friends are extended in fulfillment of his better judgment, the resignation from the ranks of single blessedness and his step into the multifold joys of married life.

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