“Girl wanted.” Claude does his laundry, New Rampart House.
Yukon Archives: #7711
The NWMP established a post at
Rampart House in the tumultuous year of 1911. This is where Constable Tidd was serving in 1918 when some other members of the Northwest Mounted Police were sent off to fight in the First World War.
Young men of the Commonwealth who missed out on that conflict would have felt obligated to explain why. Claude was no exception. When he joined the Royal Northwest Mounted Police,
“Police Patrol – Rampart House to Ft. McPherson – Crossing Rockies. February 1918.”
Yukon Archives: #7015
he trusted that Force would send him overseas in a special unit. In fact, early in the war, the Force advertised for recruits to form a cavalry detachment for the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
“Owing to trouble at that time with the foreign element we were not sent,” he later told his father-in-law.
“When our boys did go finally in 1918 I was way up North out of all touch – about 250 miles north of Fort Yukon and so again I missed it thro no fault of my own.”